Let CompareFreeQuotes show you how much you can save on insurance and mortgage quotes
Find out ways your car factors into your insurance policy raising and lowering.
The type of car you have can alter the pricing of your insurance policy, as well as if you buy a multi-vehicle insurance policy. You can save up to 25% on your premium when buying a multi-vehicle policy.
Rates can fluctuate based on any accidents or damage that has happened to your car. Without accident forgiveness, an at-fault accident can raise your auto insurance rate by an average of 48%.
Each year auto insurance rises and rates depend on your location.
Colorado has experienced the largest spike over 10 years for auto insurance premiums, while Alaska has the smallest.
People between the ages of 15-25 and 70 and over are in a high-risk group.
Normally a clean record keeps your rate pretty flat.
Data shows that males are more likely to crash when they are young vs females, raising insurance rates generally for men.
Cars that have different features, along with sports cars generally have higher rates.
Your history will play heavily into your policy rates. Drivers with a clean history will get better rates.
Mileage and commuting will play into your rates. The longer and more you drive increases your risk of an accident which raises your rates. You will also pay more for personal use of a car rather than a business.
You pay more for higher insurance coverage upfront in order to be covered for more later.
In 2021, roughly 289.5 million cars will be on the road. With an increase in vehicles, comes an increase in accidents, damages, and liability risks. Compare car insurance rates with Compare Free Quotes to find cheap coverage to keep you protected.
Your average monthly car insurance costs $90 – $165. Find out more about which policy works best for your budget.
Company | Minimum coverage | Full coverage |
USA | $570 | $1,257 |
Erie | $676 | $1,274 |
State Farm | $766 | $1,506 |
Farm Bureau | $868 | $1,696 |
Metlife | $885 | $2,001 |
Auto-Owners | $1,041 | $2,998 |
Progressive | $1,045 | $1,995 |
Mid-Century | $1,099 | $1,995 |
American Family | $1,108 | $1.832 |
GEICO | $1,132 | $2,483 |
Nationwide | $1,282 | $2,346 |
Allstate | $1,322 | $2,669 |
Farmers | $1,341 | $2,406 |
Travelers | $1,604 | $2,979 |
Insurance that helps to pay your car due to damages from another vehicle or object.
Insurance that pays other for damages you caused. The average cost is $540 per year.
Insurance that normally covers losses that occur not due to driving such as theft, hail, fallen tree limbs, etc.